Histopathological findings:
The mass contains multiple lobules (小葉) with variable sizes, some are small and some are very large with central necrosis (壞疽). These lobules are compact with surround mononuclear inflammatory cells. The nearby sweat glandular ducts are extremely dilated (擴大). The tumor cells are large with abundant cytoplasm(細胞質) and indistinct cell border. In the center, squamous (鱗狀) metaplasia (組織的變形) is seen and some cells differentiate to sebaceous (【生理】似油脂或皮脂的, 分泌油脂或皮脂的) glandular cells with lots of small lipid (脂質) droplets in it. Mitotic (有絲分裂的) figures are about 4 to 6 per HPF. Besides, the surrounding inflammatory response is mainly lymphocytes (淋巴球,淋巴細胞) and macrophages (噬菌).
Pathological diagnosis:
Meibomian(also tarsal: 眼瞼軟骨;瞼板) gland carcinoma, with multifocal granulomatous inflammation, right lower eyelid mass.
granulomatous inflammation A form of proliferative (Tending to proliferate ) inflammation characterized by the formation of granulomas (肉芽腫).
The meibomian glands (or tarsal glands) are a special kind of sebaceous glands at the rim of the eyelids, responsible for the supply of sebum ((皮脂腺分泌的)皮脂), an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye's tear film, prevents tear spillage onto the cheek, and makes the closed lids airtight. There are approximately 50 glands on the upper eyelids and 25 glands on the lower eyelids. The glands are named after Heinrich Meibom (1638-1700), a German physician.